February 25, 2019

Parts Of Auto Insurance Policy

Many people purchase auto insurance for protection in the case of an accident, but not everyone has taken the time to actually read their insurance policy.

A solid understanding of the coverages provided in your policy will help to make sure that you’re comfortable with the coverages you have, and it will also help you know what to expect after a loss. Here are some of the main parts of your auto policy.

Your auto coverages

A typical policy contains four sections that provide different coverages:


Provides coverage for bodily injury or property damage, that you are responsible for, to someone else that you are responsible for as a result of a car accident

                  -Medical Payments

Covers medical expenses resulting from a car accident. May also cover lost wages, and funeral expenses for you or anyone else on your policy

                 -Uninsured Motorists and Underinsured Motorists

Provides coverage for injuries you sustain if the driver who caused the accident doesn’t have any (or enough) insurance to cover your damages.

                 – Damage to your Vehicle

                                 This coverage is divided into two sections:

                                                     -Collision – if your car is damaged from an accident with another car or object

                                                      -Other Than Collision (OTC, also known as Comprehensive) – includes fire, theft, hail damage, contact with an animal, broken glass and more.

Automobile policies and regulations vary greatly from state to state. Additionally, many endorsements are available that can customize your policy to suit your specific needs. We hope you’ll check your policy and review your coverages carefully.

 Remember, we’re here to help if you need to make changes or have any questions. Please don’t hesitate to call Cloverleaf Insurance at 1-800-530-5822.

Categories: Auto Insurance