Teens Taking The Wheel
Youth Traffic Safety is one of the most important issues facing teenagers and parents today. The National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration reports that young drivers, ages 15 to 20, are especially vulnerable to death and injury on our roadways. Traffic crashes are also the leading cause of death for teenagers in America. Mile for mile, teenagers are involved in three times as many fatal crashes as all other drivers.
There are many avenues to explore when teaching your teenager to drive safe, why not take a few tips from Cloverleaf Insurance:
Get Them Off To A Good Start
For parents that have a teen with a learner’s permit, it is important to get them out on the road. They are eager to drive and happy to go. Parents have a chance to coach them on good driving behavior.
Set Limits
Some parents restrict night driving after their teen gets a license, and then they might loosen that restriction to “no night driving with friends.” Make sure teens know that they should never get in a car and drive if they’ve been under the influence or take a ride with someone who is intoxicated. Parents should also let teens know that they will be available to pick them up if needed.
Distracted Driving
Teen driver distractions — cell phones, texting, chatting with friends, the radio, putting on makeup, and eating in the car — are all distractions that are dangerous behaviors for any driver, and especially for inexperienced drivers. These can be just enough of a distraction to cause a crash.
Keep your teenagers safe by sharing these facts. As always, Cloverleaf Insurance wants you to be safe in your travels. Call us at (800) 530-5822 for more information on auto insurance.
Categories: Auto Insurance