August 21, 2012

Dairyland Auto Insurance and Viking Insurance Company have made it easy for customers to pay!

Dairyland Auto & Viking Insurance has expanded its automated payment features to include:

                -Text option for bill alerts (email option is still available)

                -Mobile version of the payment website (easier access home or away)

Cloverleaf Insurance 1-800-530-5822 now offers customers the choice of email or text reminders (or both) with Dairyland Auto’s Bill alerts feature. Bill alerts provide customers with an automated reminder when their payment is due.

By making it easier to pay, Bill alerts help customers keep insurance policy in force.

-Bill alerts include options for customers to pay their bill immediately upon receipt of the reminder.

-Alerts are available to call all customers regardless if they pay cash or use EFT option, in addition to their usual billing statements

-Alerts are automatically generated five days prior to the policy due date, and follow up alerts will be sent on/after the due date if payment has not been received.

              -Customers can enroll anytime

Viking Insurance and Dairyland Auto is the right choice for many:

        -online payments save customers time

        -A+ financial rating

        -competitive nonstandard auto insurance rate

        -Flexible billing plans with a variety of low down payment options

        -Easy reinstatements

        -Easy payment options including customer EFT and e-check

As always, we say thank you to our customers and if you have any questions contact Cloverleaf Insurance Agency 1-800-530-5822 or

Categories: Blog