Renters Insurance

March 3, 2015

Top Reasons To Consider Renters Insurance

Just as having insurance is a vital part of owning a car or home, it is also necessary for renters to have insurance. Here are just a few of the many reasons why it is so vital for you to purchase renters insurance, and why you should consider doing so if you are currently uninsured. […]
January 7, 2015

Household Products for Minor Cuts

There are some common household products that can be used for minor cuts and scrapes. Keep these items in your home. Honey  Honey has many healing benefits. Honey is better known for treating coughs. Honey has soothing and potential healing effect on minor cuts and scrapes. Honey has natural anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It can […]
December 11, 2014

Christmas Tree Safety Tips for Your Home

As you prepare to celebrate the upcoming holiday, some families choose to decorate with a Christmas tree. Many people love the look of a decorated tree so much that they put up several around the house. As you’re getting ready to decorate your tree, follow these safety tips to keep your home and family safe. […]
December 10, 2013

Paying Renters Insurance Yearly vs. Monthly

For those individuals who rent the space they’re living in, renters insurance offers valuable protection that begins where your landlord’s insurance ends. Renters insurance is designed to protect your possessions and your personal liability, extending coverage to your assets (up to policy limits) and legal, medical and/or property damage expenses associated with injuries or damage […]
April 5, 2013

Protect What You Own

Renters Insurance is surprisingly affordable. Take a moment to think about everything you own – from clothes, jewelry and household items to a smart-phone, laptop or television. It may not seem like much, but when you do the math, the dollar amounts add up quickly. If you had to replace some or all of what […]
August 15, 2012

ABC’s of Disaster Planning

Contact Cloverleaf Insurance at 1-800-530-5822 or Seventy five percent of American households are at risk for some type of natural disaster. Equally startling is that relatively few have done much to prepare. Research shows that it’s just human nature not to plan for a disaster – mainly because we think it won’t happen to […]