
May 23, 2018

Have A DWI? Here’s How To Avoid Problems With Your Insurance

If you get behind the wheel after a couple of drinks, you might put yourself and others at risk. Intoxicated drivers might cause accidents, property damage, and even injuries or deaths. The police punish these infractions seriously. Since DWI charges are serious, the ramifications might extend to your car insurance coverage. After a DWI, you […]
February 15, 2018

Avoiding SR-22s And Serious Driving Violations

No one wants to get an SR-22 penalty. An SR-22 requirement can make it more difficult to afford auto insurance. Nevertheless, if you get an SR-22, you must carry car insurance. SR-22s are forms that your state might require you to obtain following serious driving violations. The SR-22 verifies for the state that you maintain […]
October 13, 2017

Tips To Avoid SR-22 Certificates

Drivers do not want to end up with an SR-22 certificate on their record. These requirements indicate that a state considers a driver to be high-risk. SR-22 certificates verify that a driver active car insurance in place. They usually remain on the driver’s record for a couple of years. Many car insurers view the SR-22 […]
April 19, 2017

Questions To Ask When Getting An SR-22

If you’re required to get an SR-22 certificate, you shouldn’t take the ruling lightly. An SR-22 indicates that you are a high risk driver. You’ll have to file these certificates with your state DMV for a specified period of time — generally a few years. When you get an SR-22 certificate, you’ll have to follow […]
January 16, 2017

SR-22 Coverage For Non-Owners

No one wants to have to carry an SR-22 form. But, if the authorities deem someone to be a high risk driver, they might have to carry an SR-22 certification. A high risk driver might have gotten many tickets, had DUI charges or been in multiple accidents. SR-22 policies are not insurance. They are proof […]
June 28, 2016

How Much Does SR-22 Insurance Cost In Illinois?

In the state of Illinois, you are required to have auto insurance to operate a vehicle on the road legally. If you fail to carry the required minimums while you are driving, you could get a ticket. After getting numerous tickets for failing to have the required limits for insurance, it’s not unusual for a […]
February 16, 2016

Is SR-22 Coverage Full Coverage?

If you’ve recently gotten a ticket for driving under the influence (DUI) or driving recklessly, then you may be required to have SR-22 coverage. Many states mandate this type of insurance — as a penalty of sorts — for drivers who need a little extra liability for their auto insurance to drive their cars legally. […]
January 6, 2015

SR-22 Certificates and Car Insurance

So, you went to a party and had a few drinks. You knew you shouldn’t drive, but the group hadn’t appointed a designated driver. You felt okay and decided to risk driving anyway. What happened? About three blocks from the party, you saw flashing police lights behind you and you were pulled over. The policeman […]
July 22, 2014

What is SR-22 Insurance?

If you have a less-than-perfect driving record, at some point you might be required to carry SR-22 insurance. It is a temporary insurance document that proves you have insurance and are financially responsible. Why would a driver need to get an SR-22 and what are some of the most common reasons that one would be […]
April 16, 2014

Cheaper SR22 Insurance Prices

Great rates on cheaper sr22 auto insurance and excellent service, CALL 1-800-530-5822 or visit our website and check out the great insurance rates that are available to drivers just like you. You’ll be surprised how people from all over are finding great coverage without spending all day looking for it. You’ll see how we make a difference […]